March 28 - Human

There’s a trend that recently started flying around social media in an effort to humanize people. Influencers and others who have decided to join in on the fun will start off by saying ‘social media is a lie, so here are some things you should know’ and then follow it up with absurd tidbits about themselves.


Blogging can be a way to showcase only the best parts of ourselves, so here are some things you should (well, not should, more like ‘are allowed to’) know about me.

Sometimes - only when I’m alone - I like to open mouth chomp on my food. Not with stuff like bread or chicken or rice. Gosh no. I’m talking about the crunchiest potato chip or pretzel or crouton. I hate it when other people chomp and chew with an open mouth, so I’m a total hypocrite, but wow it can feel and sound so satisfying.

I tend to anthropomorphize clothing. Part of it is because I’ll assign clothes sentimental value. I have one sweatshirt that I cannot get rid of, even though I rarely ever wear it anymore mostly because it’s starting to look a little threadbare, because it used to be the sweatshirt that I would wear to every yoga class when I first moved to Denver. It’s sentimental. Or my grandpa’s sweater that I managed to save from the donation pile after he passed. It’s losing shape but I absolutely cannot get rid of it. So, sure, part of it is for the memories. But a huge part of it is because I can’t bear the idea that if I donate a shirt, it might be the end of its life. Or, even worse, what if its next owner isn’t as kind and respectful as I am? The horror.

I absolutely despise taking out my recycling. It’s just so annoying. I never have it in me to shlep both a full bag of trash and my recycling bin out to the dumpster, which means it has to be two trips. And usually when I get back in from taking out the trash, I’m so impressed and satisfied with myself that I can’t make it back out there. It also doesn’t smell… which greatly minimizes the need for me to get rid of it. And finally, it’s sort of become a game. How much can I stack. How much can I break down and fit into one paper bag. Or one box. Truly, it’s insane of me and I do recognize that.

Last one for today - I am the queen of hyper-fixating. It can be with working out, habits in general, eating, clothing (you’re talkin to the girl that wore the same sweatshirt to yoga for about a year), music… you name it. I’m not picky. Currently my strongest hyper-fixation is, without a doubt, a toasted english muffin with cottage cheese, everything but the bagel seasoning, a drizzle of hot honey, and just a touch of some really good olive oil. I’ll switch it up a little when I have the necessary ingredients - add some avocado, top it off with some leftover grilled chicken, switch out the english muffin for sourdough. But I’m not kidding when I say I have had some variation of this for probably 30 days in a row.

Alright. That’s enough vulnerability for the moment. Hasta luego.